Thursday, April 8, 2021

Nilavanti - Mysteries Book


               "Nilavanti" is a very wonderful and mysterious book. The Nilavanti Granth is written in copperplate on a copperplate in Sanskrit. Very few people have the original copies of this book. The Government of India has also stopped printing this book. Many verses are included in this book. There are many sciences in the text. Anyone who reads this book has to lose his family. After reading scriptures, one acquires knowledge, otherwise one becomes completely insane.

              Nilavanti was the daughter of a rich family. She knew the language of different animals and creatures. The birds were telling her the treasure trove. Creatures like mongooses show her the way to the treasure. One day after her wedding, she heard a fox chatting in the middle of the night. The fox was telling each other that a corpse would flow from the river, the corpse has 2 red rags and a knot of rope around its waist. Hearing this, she goes to the river and sees a corpse flowing from the river. She tries to untie the knot in the corpse's clothes in the middle of the night. She was untying the knot with her teeth, this is what her husband who is following her is watching. Seeing all these scenes, he thinks she is crazy and leaves her and she falls alone. One such story is told in her case.

             The power of the mantras in the scriptures is so terrifying that it has the power to interact with anything in the imaginary world, in dreams. It is written in this scripture that we can tame any animal and talk to it. This book has to be read in full within a year. Otherwise, no power derived from the mantra from the scripture becomes inactive. If one reads this scripture by witnessing the cremated corpse, one gets Brahmadyan. As she was aware of all the languages ​​in the universe, she became the subject of a strange thing. No one knows whether it is true or false. No one has self-experience. There are many rumors about this text.

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